Ghost Adventures aka Extreme Ghost Hunting aka Are You F'ing Serious?!

Yeah, I know... "Rowan, why do you keep taking so badly about these guys?" A)'s late and it just seems like a good idea for the moment since technically it's Friday which means it's going to be time for the show and B)...I'm sorry, I just don't LIKE them!! I can't get over how bad that show is!!!Ghost AdventuresakaExtreme Ghost HuntingakaAre You F'ing SERIOUS!?!That's about the progression that I go through with the show in the first few minutes during the episode preview and the opening credits. Any show that opens with the words "Raw...Extreme...These are our Ghost Adventures" is opening itself to public mockery.And then you see them...and...well...yeah...So anyway, I'm not really "picking" on them, I just think they're silly. And I was starting to think after the last few series of Most Haunted that there wasn't going to be much to top it but The Travel Channel again managed to find something crazy to fill their schedule. Imagine, who thought that a pair of plumbers from Rhode Island were going to be the most sane television paranormal investigators we'd see! And if it wasn't for my Dad I never would have given TAPS a look (after Mad Mad House I sort of wrote off "reality television" on Sci-Fi, or SyFy...whatever they're calling themselves now).I'm just not a fan, and we'll leave it at that and move on to talking about why I still watch this show ever week. It cracks me up! Here, this is a clip from last week and the episode from the Ancient Ram Inn. This is a good "catch all" of what to expect in an hour of this show...Yeah.So I started to write a drinking game to go along with the show. I figured this would make this show more enjoyable and, since this is on not once but TWICE (back to back, same episodes) before Most Haunted comes on this would also make Most Haunted more fun (and would help me get over the fact that Brian Shepard creeps me out).So here you go...Rowan's Ghost Adventures Drinking Game!What You'll Need...1. A mixed drink of some kind (Vodka and Red Bull seems most's EXTREME)2. A bottle of one of the alcohols from your mixed drink (we'll go with vodka here, but have the good stuff...for the love of the Gods no Popov! If you need to be spend thrifty at least get Svedka. If you're looking to mildly enjoy your vodka get some Ketel One or Grey Goose.)3. A shot glass (for the vodka in our case)How To Play...You're going to take a sip from your mixed drink when any of the following happens...1. Someone duct tapes an "X" on the ground for later.2. Any time someone says "dude", "man" or "bro".3. Any time someone gets bleeped.4. Any time someone screams, yells or otherwise freaks out.5. Any time someone taunts a spirit to get a reaction from them to produce activity.You're going to do a shot of your chosen alcohol any time one of the following things happens...1. When the guys go into "lock-down".2. Any time someone is supposedly chased out of a room by a ghost or runs out because they got scared.3. Any time someone gets freaked out by something mundane in a room like a picture on the wall, a piece of furniture, etc.4. Any time Aaron gets left alone or is sent on his own to investigate an area.5. Do another shot if Aaron whines like a little girl about it as if he doesn't know this is coming at some point.I was trying to think if there was more but, to be honest, these are quite enough and should keep you well and pissed through most of the show. If anyone would like to make some suggestions on some more possible adds to the game, please, let me know! :)Happy Drunken Extreme Ghost Adventures!


Soooo...Emma Watson has some Witch blood


Fascinating episode of Hidden Realms!