Soooo...Emma Watson has some Witch blood
SHE'S A WITCH!!!! (ok no not really)Well, not that these things should be terribly surprising, but a genealogist from did a little looking into the family line of actress Emma Watson, who everyone best knows as Hermonie from the Harry Potter movies. As it turns out she is related to a woman named Joan Playle from Essex County, England who, in 1592, was accused of Witchcraft and excommunicated from the Church of England.Interesting. I'm wondering though, why was anyone looking into Emma Watson's family line? Apparently the genealogist, Anastasia Tyler, did a little looking into the family line of all the big stars of the Harry Potter films. Daniel Radcliffe apparently is descended from bakers and grocers (weeee!), Rupert Grint comes from a line of gunsmiths and Helena Bonham Carter is related to a form Earl of Oxford who was also the UK prime minister from 1908 - 1916.Mood: amused