Hey, Jess...Help! I'm Hearing Voices!

spirit guideHey, babes!  Are you ready to dive into this awesome question for a reader? This is a good one and it's one that I have a lot of experience with and I can't wait to share my thoughts.[wc_box color="primary" text_align="left"]I'm someone who's been dabbling in magic since 2011. I'm hardly experienced since I infrequently do candle magic. Recently, I had a restless night. While I was trying to sleep an extremely loud voice "popped" into my head a couple times. The way it happened is hard to explain, but it told me to buy a particular incense and matching oil "for my training" (The voice's words, not mine!).Now, I'm very sure I don't have mental illness. I'm also not the type to look at every little thing as a mystical sign, but this was too blatant to ignore! I'm not sure what happened, or if it was a goddess/god trying to communicate with me. I'm not Wiccan either!I'm so confused what this all means and what I should do... Or perhaps I'm making a mountain out of a molehill?- Star[/wc_box]Well, Star, I'm not Wiccan either and I have voices too.  :)First, don't worry that there's anything wrong with you, mental health wise.  What it sounds like you experienced was a little intervention from a spirit guide!  And moments like this, when you're falling asleep, waking up or when you're having a hard time getting to sleep, is exactly when these things are most likely to happen because it's when you're in a bit of a  twilight state and it's easier to hear them speak to us.This doesn't mean that your spirit guides aren't talking to you at other times because they certainly are.  The issue is that during these waking times when we're fully conscious and aware our Ego is also wide awake and can quickly drown out the sound of our spirit guide. We have to work pretty hard to create a solid connection with them, one that ends up being louder than our Ego, so that we can hear them no matter what.There are a few things to look for to know it's not your Ego or any inner dialog that's running in your head.[su_list icon="icon: headphones" icon_color="#f790d0"]

  • The voice will not sound like you
  • The voice will be supportive even if it's a bit on the firm side
  • The voice will always share positive and helpful messages
  • The voice may talk quickly or sound a bit like it's been sped up
  • The voice may talk in words that are a little different than how you speak

[/su_list]The reason the voice might sound sped up is that if it's a higher guide, like an angel or some form of the Divine, it will be talking to you from a higher frequency that vibrates faster than ours.The voice won't sound like you but may talk somewhat like you, but more often than not they may use words or inflections that aren't your own.The voice will always share guidance that is going to be helpful and uplifting in some form, even if it comes in the form of some tough love. The ultimate goal of your spirit guide or angel is to help elevate you or guide you to something positive, helpful and healing. On the other hand your Ego will talk down to you or say and suggest things that will keep you small and hold you back.Something like you experienced, being guided to work with some specific tools, sounds like something that a spirit guide would suggest, not really a god or goddess.  When they come to us it's for something really big, something like this would be more of a day-to-day issue which is what our spirit guides are here to help us with.I think it's exciting that you had this experiences and it means that you have the ability to hear them!  Awesome! Next comes a choice.  Would you like to cultivate this ability more so you can have more of a working relationship with your spirit guide?If you do, one thing you can do is before going to sleep each night for at least a few weeks say to yourself "As I fall asleep I'm open to receiving guidance and messages from any of my guides." You may not hear anything right away...it may even take a few weeks to get a sense of their guidance...but you'll get there.  In fact more often than not it starts by getting more guidance in your dreams because while you're asleep your Ego is asleep and your guides can connect with you on a soul level.Keep at it and let me know how it goes! :sparkling_heart:[wc_divider style="solid" line="double" margin_top="" margin_bottom=""]Hey, would you like some free coaching like this?  Come on over here and I'll tell you how we can make that happen![wc_spacing size="40px"]


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