Time for a Chakra Check-In {FREEBIE!}
When was the last time you did a little chakra check-in with yourself?You know about your chakras, right? Those little invisible batteries in your aura made of light and energy that fuel your body and support your mind and spirit?I know chakras can seem super woo-woo but when you really start to learn the different ways that chakras effect us and what we can do if we work with them intentionally, it becomes almost ridiculous to NOT to work with them. And a chakra check-in is part of the process.
Here's a quick science breakdown...
There are chakras all over your body, from the top of your head to {literally} the tips of your toes. However there are 7 main chakras that are in very key parts of the body. These chakras are in places around our body, in our energy field {aka aura}, where we emit some of the most concentrated energy in our personal auras.See, your body puts off energy and radiation, which is effected by what we put in our body and how its processed. As our cells do their thing and energy is generated it starts to project out around us.For instance, your heart is pumping away and creating all kinds of energy in a very concentrated place. So your heart charka is a big one to pay attention to. If it's not strong, something is going on with the place that generates the energy...you know, your heart! Your energy could be low because something is physically wrong or something could be spiritually or emotionally weighing on your heart making it function a little less then optimal.With the heart and the brain {this would be the brown and crown chakras}, scientists have been able to measure energy fields that extend forward, backward and to both sides of the body and each coming from these central points.Moral of the story...
Check in with your chakras...regularly!
That's why I have this freebie for you.
The Chakra Check-In is my gift to you to help you get to know your charkras better, help you learn how to tell when they are out of whack and then give you ways to work at getting them back in order.Doing this regularly, either daily, every few days or at the least once a week, is the key to creating awesome energy, strong charkas and powerful self-awareness.So grab it below!
[wc_button type="secondary" url="http://jesscarlson.com/downloads/ChakraCheckIn.pdf" title="Visit Site" target="self" position="float"]Download It[/wc_button]
I'd love to hear from you down in the comments.
:speech_balloon: If you grabbed your ebook, let me know!:speech_balloon: Do you have questions about the chakras? Ask away! I'd love to help.:speech_balloon: What are your experiences with your own chakras? Do you have a tricky chakra that gives you trouble? {My root chakra gets tripped up quick a bit!}:heavy_check_mark: And be sure to use the links down below to share this post. This is too good not to share![wc_spacing size="40px"]