Quick Spring Equinox Magic To Clear Negative Vibes

welcomespringHey babes!  Happy Spring Equinox and Happy Ostara to all you Pagan babes out there. Today's a pretty awesome day. Earlier this morning we had a total solar eclipse and welcomed an Aries new moon. Tonight at about 6:45pm EST we welcome the official start of spring.I love spring! I miss east coast springs, though I know right now it's not looking very springy back there, but here in SoCal the signs of spring are much more subtle and the energy is a little different.Regardless of what the weather is like where you are today, it's still spring {at least here in the northern hemisphere...so happy fall equinox to you babes down under}. Even if you're buried still under a foot of snow it's time to acknowledge the start to start and spring and harness that energy for some good.Today I want to share with you a quick candle ritual and a few crystal tips you can use to connect with and take advantage of that spring energy. 

A Little Spring Magic

Here is a simple candle ritual you can do to harness this energy of renewal that comes with the spring equinox. It's a great time for clearing out negative vibes that may be getting in the way of growing something new which is really the kind of work we favor the most this time of year.The trick here is to really know what you're focusing on. Yup, we're clearing away negativity but we want to really focus on the positive of side of this. Keep your focus and intention on seeing all the good that will come from any negativity being cleared from whatever you're working on.So start with picking your intention. What has some negative vibes around it that you want to clear up? It could be a relationship, your work and career, a creative project, your health, really anything!What would things look like if you didn't have the negative energy getting in the way? This is what you really want to hold as your intention and focus during your ritual.[wc_spacing size="15px"]For your ritual you'll need:[su_list icon="icon: check-circle-o" icon_color="#d387b0"]

  • A small green candle - a 4" chime/spell candle in a springy green color, brings the energy of growth and renewal
  • Marjoram - just the dried herb that you can get in the spice section of the grocery store, it's an herb that helps to release negativity
  • Olive oil - again, grab it from the cabinet in the kitchen or at the grocery store, brings peace and calm to your work
  • A picture or piece of paper with your focus represented - example: if you're working to remove negativity from your job use your business card or a logo of your company, if you're working on a relationship have a picture of you and the person together {or just the other person alone if that's all you have}
  • Tools: Candle holder, lighter, a small plate, a small knife and optionally incense {floral incense is perfect} and some flowers to decorate your altar space {bring out those daffodils!}

[/su_list][wc_spacing size="15px"]Before you get started take a little salt water and a cotton ball and wipe down your candle to help cleanse it both physically and energetically so it's a blank slate for your work.Take your knife and carefully carve your name in one side of the candle.Hold your candle in-between both hands and close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths and visualize white light coming down from above, in through your crown chakra, down to your shoulders, your arms and out though the minor chakras in your hands and into the candle. As you do this you'll start to feel the candle thingle, throb or get warm. When you feel it's fully charged, visualize the energy slowing down and stopping.Put your candle aside for a sec and sprinkle out some marjoram on your plate, enough to make a nice layer.Put some olive oil in one of your palms. Rub the oil into your candle in long upward strokes going from the base of the candle up to the wick.When the candle is fully oiled, and it should have a bit of a shine and slickness to it, lay the it in the herbs on your plane and gently but firmly press and roll through the herbs so they stick to the sides. Candle Magic

When you're done be sure to wipe off any herbs that havestuck to the wick or the very top of the candle.

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Place the candle in your holder.

Under the holder place your representation of your intention.

If you're using incense, light your incense.

Take a few deep breaths and focus.

Light your candle and gaze on the flame softly. Visualise the flame growing in all directions, the light clearing away negativity around your situation.

Take a moment to state an affirmation, say a prayer or chant out loud to vocalize your intent. This creates a very real vibration that goes out into the Universe and creates change.

Let your candle burn down and go out on its own.

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When your ritual is done, the hard part starts!

Once a candle ritual is done it's not like everything is going to just be perfect and awesome and you don't have to do anything! Now you have to do a few things.

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  • Have a plan for moving forward in your situation in a positive way.
  • Take responsibility for your thoughts and your energy. Stay positive!
  • Work to keep the source of the negative vibes out of your way, even if this means having to distance yourself from some people in your life for a little bit.
  • And remember...Like attracts like!


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Crystals To Stay Positive

Here are a few crystals you can bring into the mix after you've done your work.  Pick one from each column, cleanse them, and carry them in your pocket or keep them in your sacred space while you're working toward your goal.

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To Keep Negativity Awayhematitejetblack tourmalineonyxobsidianpyritechrysopraseNatural rough chrysoprase  [/wc_column][wc_column size="one-half" position="last"]To Attract Positive Vibes rose quartzmoonstoneselenitegreen aventurinecitrinesunstonetopazsunstone 


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Keep an eye out!

On Monday, March 23rd, enrollment opens for the final session of Cosmic Wisdom Camp.  Healing That Sparkles, a 4 week workshop in crystal healing and magic.  You can pop over here to check out the details. So mark your calendar and be sure to join me for this last chance to learn with me in 2015!


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10 Must Have Crystals for Everything!


Time for a Chakra Check-In {FREEBIE!}