How Positive Are Your Prayers?

I bet I know how you pray.  If you pray, and I'm sure you do from time to time if it's not a regular practice, that you have a very specific way you do it.  It's how most of us learned to pray; "Dear God, please make this thing better or give me this other thing, or make this thing happen in my life.".  There are a few things that you probably never thought of when you pray like this - it kind of sounds like helpless pleading and it also puts your focus on what's wrong in your life rather than on what you would rather have.  When you pray like that and you say "Wow, it's like my prayers are NEVER answered," maybe they are just not the way you think because you're not really asking for what you really want!This is such a simple little tweak that you can make to your spiritual work and how you pray or work with guides, spirits and even God/Goddess that it seems almost silly to never have thought of it before.  It will make your prayers more empowering and it will also give you more of the results you actually want!What is this big, amazing, magical thing?  Praying in the affirmative rather than praying like you're begging.

Really Important:

Remember that you and the Divine are One.  You are connected.  You hold the power of the Divine within.  When you pray you're connecting to your Higher Self and giving this part of your spiritual being a little task to work on with God/Source.  It's so important to remember that you and God are not separate!  This keeps you from feeling that you need to be in a subservient role while praying, something that ultimately takes power away from you and strips away your belief that you'll get what you're after.There are two things that you can do to shift your prayers to make them more positive and more effective:[su_list icon="icon: ban" icon_color="#f46679"]

  • Stop saying "Dear God, please/can you/help me..." and say "Thank you" instead.
  • Don't focus on the problem, focus on the solution.

[/su_list] When we do this we remove a huge block to successful prayer and manifestation - fear!When we approach prayers by saying "Dear God, please help me to get over this breakup,"  you have a tone that resonates with the vibrations of lack and fear.  Lack of being in a relationship and fear that you aren't going to get over your broken heart.When you acknowledge the problem you're putting your focus and energy on the problem and what you're lacking which just draws more energy toward that rather than on what you actually want to manifest.Let's say you're dealing with a breakup and you're working with your angels and you're really having a lot of problems with getting past it and getting over the heartbreak, rather than praying in a way that has you focused on the problem, focus on the solution:

Dear angels, thank you for filling my heart with love and surrounding me in your healing light as I draw a wonderful new love into my life.

[su_list icon="icon: check" icon_color="#f46679"]

  • You've turned fear into love.
  • You've turned your focus from lack toward abundance.
  • You've gone from sounding desperate to sounding empowered.

[/su_list] [Tweet "By praying affirmatively we turn fear into love + get more of what we want."]How you prayer and the words you use create the vibration that will hopefully draw to you the things you desire.  When you treat your prayers like affirmations you'll see a big shift in the results of your work with the Divine.[wc_spacing size="40px"]


The Latest Woo-Woo Buzz Word? Fear.


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