You Are Not Your Body

Happy Saturday Buddhaful!  I wanted to share a short and sweet message, one that I think is super important but a bit heady for some, I'm sure.  I thought it would make a nice weekend meditation thought so give this a glance over and think on it this weekend and share your thoughts in the comments.This was a notion that I originally read in the book Wishes Fulfilled by Dr. Wayne Dyer and it sort of popped into my head on Friday and I felt compelled to share it with you all.You are not your body.  This physical flesh, blood, and bone structure that you're using your spirit and energy to navigate around the earth right now is not you.  It's a vehicle, your God Pod if you will.  This isn't you but rather a temporary manifestation that you take.In fact, your body has changed and shifted greatly in the time you've been here on earth.  You have already been in many different bodies.  You've shed cells, your bones and organs have grown and changed.  Your very biology has manifested in different forms.Consider this:Liver cells have a 150 day life span.Your taste buds regenerate about every 2 weeks.The outer cells on the surface of your lungs regenerate about every 3 weeks while deep inner lung tissue can heal itself annually.Every 4 weeks your skin regenerates.When you were born you were in the body of a baby.  Then your body shifted and you were in the body of a small child.  That body shifted and you were a teenager, then in your 20s, 30s, and so on...or wherever you are right now.Your hair grows, changes color, maybe it even falls out.  Your skin changes - you might see your skin tone or color change, you get age spots and freckles, you see lines and wrinkles form.  Your eyes might change color and brightness as you age.As you get older your body changes completely and you flow into that new body seamlessly and without ever noticing the shift.  But things have shifted.  Only one thing has remained the same since you were born and it will remain the same until you die.Your soul.Your personality will change and your energy will shift, but your core being - your soul, your light in your center that radiates in the world - that remains from cradle to grave.You are not your body, you are your light.You are not your body, you are your vibration.You are not your body, you are your soul.I can't think of a better reason to figure out who you really are at your core since your soul, your light, is all you really have.


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