Introducing...Your Radiant Soul!

Welcome to the newest addition to the blog, something I've been thinking about doing for a long time which finally came together over the last couple of weeks.  This new daily segment of the blog is called Your Radiant Soul (as evidenced by the big graphic and the title of the post).The concept is to share thoughts, tips, insights, and other information that will help your soul be radiant and glowing and shiny so that it can attract to you all the wonderful love, blessings, and abundance that you are out there in the world seeking!  Lately I've been talking a lot about affirmations and changing the way your mind thinks and sends out its signals to the Universe and Your Radiant Soul is just another way to explore that and expand on it.  My hope is that by reading these posts each day you'll be able to find something that you'll want to talk about,explore, and expand on in the comment section and that these posts might be things you'll want to share with others through Twitter and Facebook (don't forget about the lovely Sharing buttons at the bottom of each post).How will I know what to polish up on your soul each day?  I'll be using various affirmation card decks and general insight that I receive from my guides and angels when I sit down to do these posts each morning.  These aren't like tarot or oracle decks; they aren't for divination, although they can be used in that way if you want to just use the deck to show you what you might need for the day.  Typically when working with these cards you find the card that resonates with what you want to do work on that day or that week and you keep the card and its affirming messages somewhere in your personal space where you'll see it and reference it each day.  However, just drawing a card for the day is a lovely and gentle way to see what your guides or the Divine might be nudging you toward at that specific time.  That's how I'll be using them for these posts.So stick around to check out the first post in this new series and get ready to shiny and glow!!


Success and Your Radiant Soul


Tasty, Yummy Blue!