Success and Your Radiant Soul
Today I pulled a card from The Teachings of Abraham Well-Being Cards and it's a card the talks about success. The front of the card says "The measure of my success is my joy." The back of the card says "The amount of joy you have allowed yourself to experience is the greatest indicator of your allowance of Energy and success. Whenever you are feeling good, you are an enormous (successful) contributor."Success is something that everyone wants but so few people ever claim to achieve because everyone measures success in different ways. Some people only measure their success based on how much money they make or what material things they are able to have as a result of their work. Some people see success as being measured by how recognized they are for the work they do. But success isn't always easy to understand because it comes in so many forms. One form we sometimes forget to measure it in is just how much joy and happiness we get out of what we do.The best way to know if you're successful at what you're doing is if you're happy and feeling joy at the end of the day. As the saying goes "money doesn't always bring happiness" and success can't always be measured in dollars. You can have a million dollars in the bank and be miserable getting up every day to do the thing that puts the money there. Is that a happy, joyful, radiant life? Of course not! We need to stop trying to measure our success and worth by what we have monetarily and start looking at the balance in the bank of our soul and see where we are with our karma.I have this discussion with my husband a lot. I don't make a great deal of money doing the things that I do, but I am greatly successful in my heart and in my mind because I love getting up each morning knowing that I'm going to get to do something I love. I don't get paid to write in my blog or chat with people on Facebook or share insights on Twitter. I don't make Sylvia Browne money when I do a reading for someone. I don't make a regular paycheck. But I work hard and love what I do. My husband often will tell people I'm unemployed when they ask what I do, something that causes more arguments than you can imagine, and he says that until I bring in a regular paycheck and I make "real money" I'm not really working. He, on the other hand, makes a very good salary, something I feel we are both blessed to have in our lives, but on a daily basis he complains about his job, expresses immense dislike for certain things he has to do, and in general seems unhappy about what he does every day even though me might say otherwise if asked. Even though I don't make a lot of money, I am successful at what I do and my success grows each day because I feel joy from what I do and I know I'm contributing to the Universe in a positive way with what I do. I know one day the monetary rewards for what I do will come; that's part of the struggle of being self-employed. :)Do you wake up in the morning and love what you do? If you don't, what can you do to change it? Do you do what you do just because of the money you make? What do you have in the realm of the material that you couldn't live without if you changed your career path so you were able to do something you enjoyed, even if that meant taking a pay cut? What would make you feel successful in your heart? Current Mood: joyful