Let It Go...
Letting go is hard work. A lot of people never really get past the thinking about it stage. It isn't easy and the fact is that when we do work to let go of something, be it a relationship, a dream or a limiting belief, we have to also do the work to rebuild and create something new.There are two reasons that many people don't let go of whatever is holding them back from the life they want. They either don't know anything else or they have been living with this pain or limiting belief for so long that they feel trapped.Some people only know what it's like to be sick or what it's like to be treated like shit and the idea of having a happy, healthy life is so far from reality for them that it seems like a waste of time to even think about it.
The truth is that until you can let go of your negative feelings about letting go, nothing can change. Love can't come in where fear is running the game, and that's what happens when you don't let go.
You have to let go of limiting beliefs.
This is the first step - letting go of the things you think about yourself that are keeping you stuck. Sounds simple but it's not - believe me, I know. But that doesn't mean it isn't important and crucial to this change.
When you're holding on to a limiting belief, whether it's something you have decided to tell yourself or something someone else has made you believe about yourself, you are holding on to and carrying negative energy around with you whenever you go.
But here's the thing about about - that energy and those beliefs did at one point serve a purpose. The problem comes in when we keep holding on to that energy way past the point of where it's a helpful teacher for us. We don't pay attention to the lesson and instead just wallow in the misery of that energy.
Whatever the limitation is you have to let go of this belief first.
This has a lot to do with playing it safe which is something that happens when we're letting our Ego guide us rather than listening to our divine, our Higher Self, our guides and our angels. Playing safe, staying where you are, but still wishing you were somewhere else is the ultimate Ego trap.
You have to let go of these limiting beliefs so new ones can take root. This is where all that attraction stuff comes in. If you try using Law of Attraction practices before letting go of those limiting beliefs you're seriously just creating a Catch 22 for yourself. New flowers can't grow where weeds are still taking root.
Let go of expectations.
When we approach things with an expected outcome we just set ourselves up for failure. Even when we have the most certain idea of how things will go anything can go wrong. This can also happen on the reverse - expecting everything to go wrong so we don't even bother to try.
Living with expectations is another from of playing it safe and another way to keep us from letting go and moving forward. We figure we already know what's going to happen so we either do nothing and save ourselves some disappointment or we're so sure nothing can go wrong that we don't plan for when something happens to throw us off course.
After you've let go of the limiting beliefs you need to let go of the expectation in your life - especially the negative ones since that's what you'll likely be working with the most. These carry more negative energy which derail your good intentions. Go into everything with an open mind and an open heart. Trust that Spirit is going to give you what you need and what you can handle.
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The only guarantee in life is death. Everything that happens in-between is ultimately up to you.
That's what free will is all about. Sure, some circumstances may be put upon you due to upbringing or past choices, but the truth is at the end of the day it is still your choice how you're going to feel about it and how you'll react or respond going forward.
Just know you can be pretty certain there is someone out there that has been in a worse situation than you and managed to lift their chin and turn their face to the sun. Now it's your turn.
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