News, Updates and What's Coming Up
I don't know exactly why but I rarely post blog updates about what I'm doing or what I'm working on. I'm always keeping up on that stuff with my awesome email peeps, but I never do it here. But this week, since I'm practically bursting with stuff going on, I had to share all of this so I don't forget to tell you anything and you don't miss anything.So first off, yesterday I had a guest post over at The Green Tribe! My contribution is called 4 Ways To Turn Anger Into Love. Once, a good number of moons ago, I was an insane anger junkie. I would get pissed off at the drop of a hat and could easily have that slip into a blind rage without realizing. For a long time I blamed it on "learned behavior" from when I was a child, but that can only take you so far. Eventually you have to realize you're an adult and it's time to take control of your emotions and your actions. In this guest post I shared 4 ways to start making that shift that can completely transform every relationship in your life.And, since I often neglect to share where I've been guest posting {bad Jess!} you may have missed a post I did back in May that I feel is still super important now. It was over at Be You and it was called Four Things You Can Do Right Now To Be Your True Self In The World. It was something I'd shared in my newsletter previously but the beautiful Kate Bartolotta asked for me to share it as a guest post at Be You Media Group and I was happy to do it!So those are two things to take a peek at. Now on to a few new things launching...oh...NOW! This is where my crazy call for help comes in. Once I start letting the ideas flow I can't stop following the thread. So here's what's happening right now as well as what's coming up later in the month.
Love From Above
I've been getting a lot of questions lately about when I'm going to teach my angel communication course again next. And to be honest, I just don't know. This has been a HELL of a year and I know I wont be doing Talking To Your Angels again in 2014. 2015? Maybe. I'm mulling it over. But I wanted to put something else together, something a little less intense than a professional certification course but still with the depth and usefulness that the topic of working with angels deserves. So I've put together Love From Above.This is a 4 week self-guided program that comes with the lifetime support of my private Angel Community on Facebook. You can sign any time to take the course and it starts when you sign up. You'll receive lessons in your inbox each week for 4 weeks, plus a bonus 5th week, all while you have the chance to ask questions and interact with me and my previous angel students and certified practitioners.Some of the topics covered include[su_list icon="icon: star" icon_color="#f6f69c"]
- Who the angels are and who they aren't
- Who all the archangels are and how they can help you
- How to connect and communicate with the archangels
- Find out who your guardian angel is and create a working relationship together
- Ramp up your psychic and intuitive skills with the angels big time {!!}
- How to manifest with the help of the angels
- Learn the awesome art of affirmative prayer
- Learn how to energy healing with the angels
- And in the bonus week - angel card reading!
[/su_list]It doesn't matter what your spiritual path is, the angels are here to work with you and help you get more in touch with your intuitive Higher Self guidance and create healing for yourself and others. And it's not nearly as complicated as you might think.Pop on over here and check it out!
Next up...the big one that I'm so wicked excited for!
This I'm super stoked about this! The Cosmic Wisdom Camp is a series of 4 week online courses in magic and spirituality, each focused on a different topic and each focused on practice, useable, hands on style learning.I love taking online classes but I have to be honest with you. I often end up falling off track with them in a week or two and I end up just collecting the materials and saving them for some day later when I'll have time to go back and review it.And let's be honest. That never happens.When I was thinking of what courses I would start teaching next I decided I had to do away with things like big study guides, tons of worksheet, lots of audio and video to go over each week - basically let's strip it down, make it more immediately useful, practical and most of!So I decided to play on the theme of summer camp and camp crafts. Except here our crafts are goings to be things like loaded candles, crystal grids and honey jars!The way the Cosmic Wisdom Camp works is you can either sign up for an individual session or you can sign up for the whole Round 1 of camp sessions {4 courses in total}. By getting the full Round 1 package you save a little money PLUS you'll get access to a very special Summer Session.The camp will run from October 2014 until April/May 2015 for Round 1. Round 2 will start in September 2015. During those off months, people who have purchased the All Access Round 1 package will get access to special summer mini-classes, challenges and contests.All Access Round 1 packages are limited to 20 campers and will only be available until October 5th!Pop over here to see the class schedule and sign up for just October or all 4 upcoming sessions of the Cosmic Wisdom Camp!
Other Things Coming Up...
September 17th I'm hosting my open Q+A on magic, ritual and spirit! Sign up here for the free event and join me on the 17th on Spreecast to ask your questions and get some honest no bullshit answers to whatever mystical questions may be rattling around in the pretty little head of yoursSeptember 29th the 2014 Halloween + Samhain Reading Special begins! This is my favorite time of year and my most favorite reading offering of the year. If you're new around here and haven't had a chance to experience one of these readings yet here the deal.You'll get to pick between several different Halloween themed reading spreads as well as pick which Halloween themed oracle or tarot deck you'd like your reading done with. This is the most powerful time of year for a reading because the veil that separates our world of the living and the Otherworld of Spirit is thin. Messages that come through during this time tend to be more profound and have longer reaching impact for us.These unique email readings are done at a special price of only $45 {$20 off the regular reading price} and are only going to be available from September 29th to November 1st. Stay tuned for more details and to get your reading. That pretty much covers September into October. Busy busy busy but oh so excited to work with some new people with either the angels or all the fun stuff we'll be doing in the Camp.Have questions about anything here? Please feel free to ask away!Have something you'd like to see taught in Round 2 of the Cosmic Wisdom Camp? Please let me know! Just share in the comments. :)