Magic For Your Week - Communication
This week's Witchling card for magic for your week is Communication. Effective communication builds a deep bond grounded in common trust and understanding. Communication is everything when it comes to our relationships. If we can't effectively communicate, as well as effectively listen to others, everything just goes to hell in a hand basket. So this week let's use a little magic to up effective communication in our lives.This spell is one that I use when there is something I need to say to someone but there is something keeping us from having the conversation. Sometimes it's because we just can't get together to have that conversation and other times it's because having the conversation is just so painful. But those things still need to be put out there. This has always been really effective for me so give it a try if you have someone you really need to send a message to.
Burning Messages Spell
You'll Need:
- 1 blue candle with a holder
- Essential oil of either rosemary, myrrh, jasmine, or ylang ylang
- 1 piece of paper
- 1 pen
- 1 large fireproof container {I like to use a fireplace when possible but large spaghetti pot or even an empty grill works}
- A lighter
Anoint the candle with a bit of oil in long strokes going from bottom to top {base to wick}. Place in your holder and light.Write a letter to whoever it is that you need to send a message to. Say everything that you need to say. Really let your energy build up - see and feel it flowing from your body and through your pen into the paper. Get it all out!When you're done take a little bit of the oil and anoint the four corners of the paper and say:
Communication clear,Communication heard.Let nothing from this messagebe misconstrued or blurred.
Take have your fire proof container handy! Light one corner of your paper in the candle flame. Hold it for as long as you safely can and let the flames begin to consume the message. When you're ready, toss it in your container and say:
Smoke rise,Messages fly.Heal our communicationand rebuild our foundation.
Let the letter burn completely. As it does the message is carried on the smoke to the Universe and the guides, gods, and angels. Let them do their work to deliver the message to the Higher Self of the other person. What you need to do now is let it go and give the message a little time to reach the recipient.
Once the ashes are cooled take them outside and blow or toss them on the winds to the East, the direction of rebirth and communication. Let your candle burn down.
If you decide to reach out to the person after a few days, use your oil. Place some on your fingers and hands if you plan to text, call, or email. Wear it if you'll be seeing each other in person, and put a little on your hands if you plan to shake hands or touch the person to share the healing communication energy with them as well.
Get out there this week and heal the channels of communication with someone in your life this week.