Pick The Right Crystal Every Time

You like crystals.  Nay...you love crystals.  Holding them, looking at them, getting a sense of their energy and how they can help you in your life.  But you feel like you don't know enough about all the crystals out there so when it comes time to pick out a stone for something you feel a bit at a lost.  Maybe you always go to the same 2 or 3 stones that you know inside and out but you wish you could confidently pick something else for a change.  I get you!  I there once was a time that I only ever used clear quartz, rose quartz, and amethyst for pretty much everything because they felt familiar and safe.  But there are a couple really simple ways to always pick the right stone every time.Crystals are great because they are energetic tools that you don't need to actually do anything with to get their benefit other than carry them or place them in your space.  It's always a good idea to cleanse/tune stones first, and maybe even program them if you feel called to, and then you're off and running.But which stones should you use?  And how can you always know you have the right stone for you and your needs?It's way easier than you think.  You don't need to know a ton of stuff about the stone and you don't have to spend days or weeks doing research.  There are two super simple ways to pick your stones and get it right every time.  Photo Credit: Eva Crowder via Compfight cc

#1 Go With Your Gut - Use Your Intuition

I know that you might look at your crystals and stones and think "Eh, it's just a rock.  What is this really going to do for me?"  The truth is that they are actually living things with their own energy field and aura.  They are alive!  It's their living energy that does the work to heal and help us.It's also this aura that draws us to them.When you need to pick out a stone and you have a bunch to choose from and you aren't sure which to use, lay them all out in front of you and take some time to let your intuition guide you.  You may find that one just seems to draw your attention, maybe the light seems to be shining directly on one and making it stand out from the others. Does one seems to just call your name?You can also hold your non-dominant hand {the one you don't write with} over the stones to literally feel the energy and see if one "tickles" your aura or seems to reach out for you. When you find one that speaks to you, don't question it, take that one and use it.  Your energy field that of the stone are connecting! 28129973_xl

#2 Let Color Be Your Guide

Color is also another way to pick the right stone for you and your needs every time you need one.  Color itself is an energy and vibration.  This is part of the energy field of your crystals and can help you get an idea of what they can be used for.You might be wondering how you know what a color may mean then.  Think of the chakra colors.  Each chakra and it's color associates with a specific part of the body, certain illnesses and conditions, as well as specific kinds of energies and emotions.While there are specific stones that traditionally are used with these energy centers and their related bits and pieces, the color range still carries the same basic energies despite the little differences that each stone may have.So for instance you may see that green stones are used for things related to the heart chakra and that green aventurine is traditionally used.  You don't have that but you have another green stone, malachite. It really doesn't matter what specifically malachite may be used for because it's the color frequency in the energy field that will do the trick.

If you're not familiar with chakras and color frequencies for healing you can grab this free printable I made for you to help you better understand what colors to use for your healing needs!  Then just match up the crystal color to what's on the chart.  BOOM!  You're on your way!

[su_button url="http://jesscarlson.com/downloads/ColorsChakraEnergy.pdf" target="blank" style="stroked" background="#f43f82" size="5" icon="icon: cloud-download" icon_color="#000000"]Download Me![/su_button]


Want to learn a little more about working with crystals?  Check out these past posts!

5 Crystals To Help You Connect To The AngelsWorking With Crystals + Tarot TogetherCleanse Those Crystals in 60 Seconds or Less!Crystal Programming…What’s Up?5 Simple Gem Elixirs For An Awesome Weekend!A Crystal Conundrum

Have questions about crystals or have an awesome crystal experience?  Tell me about it in the comments.  I'd love to chat about it!



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