Magick Monday: Harmony With All Things

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Harmony is one of those things that when we have it we take it for granted and when we don’t have it we shake our fists at the sky and wonder what we’ve done wrong.

Harmony is all about flow. Whether it’s harmony within a relationship, with your job, with a project, or with life itself. When we don’t allow things to flow blocks are created and harmony is stopped in its tracks.

Harmony is an energy that prefers a path of least resistance. In many ways, harmony is strong but gentle. It is strong in being able to help us and support us but it is gentle when it comes to how it shows up. It comes with a sense of ease. If we are resisting or pushing at something harmony takes it as a sign that there just isn’t room for it right now, so it backs off.

Like most things around healing, when we need it most we are usually the least receptive. And that isn’t because we’re intentionally trying to sabotage ourselves! It’s just our stubborn human nature, in my opinion.

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When we know you need peace, healing, and harmony you need to quickly stop and look at what it against that kind of flow in your life at the moment and change it.


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This week’s Magick Monday is a candle spell, plus a magickal recipe, to help you when you find you need to shift from resistance to flow in order to have harmony within the Universe as a whole.

You could adjust this spell a little to focus on something specific. An easy way to do that is to change out the center candle to something focused on a certain situation or relationship that needs harmony. I would also add a petition paper under the candle with your specific needs.

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Just remember…you can only truly change yourself. Focus your spell on you, even if it involves someone else or a situation you’re involved in. Doing this spell on/aimed at another person likely won’t bring much if any real long lasting results. If you need to do this around a specific relationship, focus on asking for guidance and releasing of resistance so YOU can find more harmony with this person and be open to more ways that YOU can help heal the relationship.

Honestly, I prefer this spell as a more general “Harmony with the Universe” spell because we often don’t know where we truly need resistance to be released and harmony to flow. Our Ego may be telling us one thing but our Soul may be looking for another path. But it’s your magick, do it your way.

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Harmony with the Universe Candle Spell

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You Will Need:

⭐ 1 Blue Candle⭐ 1 Yellow Candle⭐ 1 Pink Candle⭐ 1 White Candle⭐ Sugar⭐ Harmony Oil⭐ Incense: Rose, Jasmine, Gardenia or Hibiscus⭐ Dish

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For the candles, I like to use votives or long burning tea lights here. I like when this spell has time to really work and you can sit with it in your space. Chime candles can burn a little quickly so I prefer these alternatives.

If you don’t have a Harmony magickal or essential oil blend you can make your own by blending together 5 parts Sandalwood, Sweet Orange, and Patchouli oils with 2 parts Lemon oil to a base.

The dish should be large enough to hold your candles as describe below. I like to use a large slate board, like the slate cheese serving boards you can get on Amazon or at places like Target and Bed, Bath, and Beyond. They clean up perfectly, even from spilled wax, and you can write on them with chalk for magick and then clean it all up when you’re done. They aren’t terribly expensive and they are definitely worth investing in (I would recommend buying a few different sizes and even a few different shapes).

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Doing The Work:Light your incense and carry around your space, similar to smudging. As you do visualize all the energy that isn’t in alignment with the sweetness of your incense being cleared away. Call in these harmonious, loving, sweet vibrations by speaking aloud what you desire and letting your incense carry your intentions out into the universe. Return your incense to your altar when finished.

Take all your candles and anoint them your oil. Dress them in a downward motion to help attract the energy you desire. Focus on…

?️ The White Candle representing you and the idea of being in a place of harmony within yourself and with the world around you.

?️ The Blue Candle representing harmonious communication and speaking your truth freely.

?️ The Yellow Candle representing happiness and joy flowing with harmony and ease.

?️ The Pink Candle representing the harmony and easy flow of giving and receiving love.

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Place your candles on your dish in the following order and pattern:

?️ Candle 1 - White in the center

?️ Candle 2 - Pink in the bottom right corner

?️ Candle 3 - Yellow in the bottom left corner

?️ Candle 4 - Blue at the top center

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This will have your white candle representing you in the center with the other three forming a pyramid around it.

Next take the sugar and starting at the Blue Candle make a clockwise circle around the candle formation, being sure to fully encircle everything and making certain that the circle connects at the end so there are so gaps. This symbolizes surrounding yourself, your energy, and your personal world with sweetness that will attract these energies of peace and harmony.

Visualize this flow as you create your sugar circle. See everything flowing together with harmony…where love flows to bring happiness which flows into joyful, easy, and honest communication with others and the Universe itself, surrounding you with this flow of harmony in all things.

Next light your candles. You’ll be lighting them in the same order you placed them.As you light the candles use these words or similar ones of your own:

For the White Candle:I call to the Divine to bring Harmony with the Universe within myself. May all my resistance be released and the flow of peace and harmony returned.

For the Pink Candle:I call to the Divine to bring Harmony to all matters of love in my life. May all my resistance to giving and receiving love in my life, especially self-love and love between me and my Higher Self be released and the flow of peace and harmony returned.

For the Yellow Candle:I call to the Divine to bring Harmony to all things that bring happiness in my life. May all my resistance around giving and receiving joy in my life be released and the flow of peace and harmony returned.

For the Blue Candle:I call to the Divine to bring Harmony to all forms of communication that I engage in. May all resistance around speaking my heart and mind be released and the flow of peace and harmony returned.

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Sit with your candles for a little while and visualize all of this easy and flow and harmony coming to you, clearing away blocks and resistance. Feel the ease and lightness of harmony. Visualize everyone that you connect with bringing more sweetness and harmony into your life. Visualize and feel the way one beautiful and harmonious interaction opens the way for another, and then another…feel how this energy becomes expansive and reaches throughout all your interactions and into the Universe itself.

Allow your candles to burn completely.

Because harmony, like all things, has an ebb and flow, repeat this spell any time you feel resistance to harmony is showing up for you. You can even do a much simpler version of this and use just the White Candle for yourself, dressing it with oil, surrounding it with sugar, and burning incense along with it to focus on clearing blocks to harmony from yourself first and foremost.

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An Extra Recipe...

For an added magickal tool to support your attraction of harmony I wanted to share a recipe for sachet powder for Inner Peace. This is a recipe that I used to make years ago when I had a magickal shop.

You’ll Need:? 1/4 cup Corn Starch or Rice Flower? 1/2 tablespoon each: Lavender, Catnip, Camomile, Rose? Essential Oils: Myrrh, Valerian or Vervain? Bowl for mixing? Wooden spoon

You’re going to grind all your herbs to as fine a powder as possible (using powdered herbs to being with is completely fine). You’ll mix them into your base using your fingers and hands. Then add the oils, just a few drops at a time, until you get a desired scent. For mixing the oils I find that using the flat side of a wooden spoon to “smoosh” the oil into the powder and then stirring it all together works great. When you’re done let it sit out uncovered on your altar overnight, mixing it a few times, to make sure it’s fully dry.

To use it, take a little and rub it between your hands to help being inner peace to anything yourself through anything that you might need to do with your hands, including shaking the hands of others. You can also use it to dust spell items, candles, mojo bags, etc…and you can sprinkle it around your space to attract a feeling of inner peace.

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