Magick Monday: Passion Unlocked
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This week’s Magick Monday involves a spell and an important message about your passions.
One of the problems with inner passion and bring it out into the world is that we often aren’t clear on what exactly it is that we want or what we’re passionate about. We may have a general idea of what those things are but aren’t very specific. We might know we want to have that inner flame lit to do something but not have a real vision for what to do with all that fire once we get it lit.
Passion is about more than just lighting an inner flame and desire, it’s also about knowing what door we need to unlock to actually move forward and do something with that passion.
The first step for this work is to get clear on where you feel your passions are either stuck, blocked or unclear. Yes, getting clear on what is unclear needs to happen first. This is sometimes the hardest part of working like this but without it anything else, like a spell, is a waste of time, energy, and resources.
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Know what lights you up, even if that light is a bit dim right now.
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Define that passion, regardless of what it might be focused on. Whether it’s about your career, a philanthropic interest, a relationship, it doesn’t matter. Name that one thing. If you can’t name it, are embarrassed to say it out loud or you can’t explain it in a way that a child could understand if you need to keep working on your clarity.
You can never truly have what you can’t name or what can’t explain.
Once you know your passion you need to have a vision of what it looks like to be fueled by that passion and actually doing something with it. There is nothing worse than being full of fire and having no outlet for it. All you’ll do is burn yourself up. This often manifests in the form of anxiety, stress, nervous energy, and a feeling that can only be described as wanting to explode. You have to direct that energy somewhere so have a vision for it.
What does it looks like to actually do what you’re passionate about? How does it feel to do that thing and to work with this energy of passion? What doors are you able to unlock because of it? What people are you able to meet, help, and engage with? What kinds of opportunities are you able to find? Have a vision for that.
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Your passion does not have to be something that makes you money. Your passion should be something that gives you life.
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A huge mistake that a lot of people make is thinking that their passion has to be centered around their job or how they earn a living. This is one of the biggest problems with “passion and purpose,” this idea that purpose = purse = career.
When this topic comes up I always remind people that we can’t all be full-time artists and bakers and candlestick makers. Somebody has to mop up shit for a living. Does that mean the person who mops up shit 8 hours a day 5 days a week is passionate about it? Probably not (but also possibly, some people are very passionate about things being clean). But when they aren’t working, at nights and on the weekends, they may be putting their time and energy into what they are passionate about and creating some amazing art, cakes, and candles.
You follow and indulge your passion because of how it makes you feel not the amount of money it makes you.
You still need to pay the bills and keep a roof over your head. Even if your passion just is not a money maker that’s OK, it’s still important and needs a place in your life.
If your passion is something that you are going to peruse it as a career it may not start giving you a big income (or even a sustainable one) right away. You may need to have a passion side hustle for a while. Just know that if you are actually looking at this from a money and career perspective and be realistic with yourself so you don’t end up burning out or falling out of love with your passion because it doesn’t meet an expectation.
Once you know the name of your passion and you have a vision for how it looks in action, write these things down as reminders before you do your magick.
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Passion Unlocked - The Key + The Flame Spell
For your work you’re going to need:? An old key…something magickal looking like an old skeleton key? 3 equal length pieces of red ribbon? An orange candle? Frankincense oil?Smudge stick? A large orange? A candle plate? A knife
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Begin by taking your orange and cutting it in half. Take one half of the orange and cut a large orange ring from it, about a 1/2 - 1 inch thick. Use your knife to cave a hole in the center big enough for your candle to fit in. Place it on your candle plate.
Next, take your smudge stick and smudge your key to clear its energy, giving it a clean slate for your magick.
Using your Frankincense oil, dress your candle while visualizing your inner flame for your passion growing. You’re going to dress the candle by starting in the center and rubbing oil into the candle going up to the top and then return to the center and rub oil going down to the base. This motion signifies both projecting energies (directing your passion outward) as well as receiving energy (receiving the energy to follow your passionate vision).
While you’re doing this hold the visual of your passion, speak it out loud, and feel what it’s like to have that energy really on fire within you. When you’re done, place the candle in the center of the orange on the plate. (If you need to you can light the bottom of the candle to melt it a little so you can press It into the plate so it will stand up.)
Light your candle and take a few deep breaths and center yourself, focusing on the light of the candle. Look at the orange and imagine that the sections and little “rays” that the veins of the orange make are projecting this light, fire, and passion out into the world. Speak out loud to the Gods, Universe or Spirits about your passion, showing exactly how passionate you are about it and letting your vibration grow as you speak.
What is the passion? What are you fired up about it? What does it give you in your life? What is your reason for wanting more of this in your life? See your energy expanding out into the universe with your inner flame located in the solar plexus growing and radiating out.
When you’re ready, hold the key in your hands and close your eyes. Recall that vision you created earlier and the feeling of what means to be living your passion. As you hold on to this feeling let the image of a door form in front of you in your mind’s eye. What does your door look like? What color is it? Is it old or new? Antique or modern? Does it have a handle or a knob or nothing at all to open it? Does it have any light coming in from around it or does it seem dark on the other side?
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Take your time letting your door manifest. Don’t push, force or rush the process. Note all you see as it comes up. (When you’re done you may want to draw it and keep the image at your altar or somewhere sacred.)
Once your door image is complete know that this is the energetic door that leads to your passion and you are literally holding the key to this door. When you’re ready, open your eyes slowly.
Thread a piece of the red ribbon through the key and tie the ends together with three knots. As you do this with each knot you tie say:
This is the key to….(name your passion)
As long as I possess this key I possess the ability to unlock my passion.
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Hold up your key so you can see the candle flame through the key. Gently blow toward the flame through the key (don’t blow out the candle; imagine this is like when you gently blow on a fire to stoke the flames). Then, speaking “through” the key and say:
My fire within burns bright
And the key unlocks the doors.
As I follow the path before me
My passions grow and soar.
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Place the key with the candle and let the candle burn down. Once the candle is out, allow the orange slice to dry, leaving the key with it.
Once the orange had dried (this may take a few days) take another piece of red ribbon and thread the ribbon through the center. Use the third piece of ribbon to bind together the ribbons holding the orange and the key. You should now have the two separate ribbons connected by the third ribbon.
Take your Frankincense oil and add a little to the orange and a little to the key, dressing, and blessing both for passion and success and unlocking the path ahead. Hang this final charm in a window or keep it hanging somewhere sacred, especially if you can hang it somewhere related to your passion you are working with. Let it be a reminder of your passions and a tool to attract the energy you need and the vision to follow your path and unlock the doors that you find.
You can always add energy, recharge, and redress the orange and the key as needed. You can also charge it when needed by either setting it with an orange candle or placing it out in the sunlight around noontime, being sure to bring it back inside before the sun begins to lower in the sky.
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