My Samhain Altar
I have been meaning to post some pictures of my altar for this year but I wanted to wait until I had the Samhain post up. Unfortunately that took far longer than expected between some things with Sacred Mists, a few clients and suddenly starting to come down with a cold (as long as I can keep the cold at bay until Sunday I'll be fine). So here are some pictures of my altar for this year. I'll take some pictures after ritual on Samhain as well. Tomorrow morning I'll be getting a small pumpkin to carve that will go in the western corner of the circle for the ritual.This is the initial set up, getting the altar set up, blessing it, and so forth.This is after I got the bits and bobs for my specific ritual out and onto the altar a few days ago.
And a few close ups of things...
Some of the items on my altar came from White Magick Alchemy who's items you can find through The Sacred Mists Shoppe and many of the other items actually came from Target last year (the skull taper candles and skull candle holders which are actually VERY heavy) and the pillar candle platform came from Michael's Arts and Crafts.The ritual I'm doing this year is one that is focused equally on honoring the dead and banishing unwanted things to usher in change.Happy Samhain everyone!