What's Coming in the New Year?
Today is Samhain, it's the New Year! To the Celts, celebrations and changes happened at sundown and on sundown on October 31st we find the celebration of Samhain upon us; Samhain means "summer's end" as well as being the name for November in the Gaelic calendar (you can learn all sorts of info about Halloween and Samhain if you check out this post from a few days ago). The Celts divided the year into two halves, summer and winter. With the summer ending and the season of change and barrenness beginning, it was time for things to start new and be reborn, and thus it was a new year. Today as we celebrate Samhain with our modern twists and Neo-Pagan traditions we still hold this as the most sacred night of the year and see it as our spiritual New Year. So now that it's a new year, what is in store for you? What I've done is put together readings for each of the astrological signs using my Legacy of the Divine tarot deck. Use these readings on the most sacred divination time of the year as a point of meditation on the coming year.
(6 of Swords, 9 of Swords, Faith)
This year, Scorpio, you're going to find yourself in a place of finally making the steps to move away from the things that have held you back or caused you pain and sorrow in this past year. This is going to be a journey of the inner self more than the physical or mundane self. You'll find your ideas and beliefs tested and you'll link find that you'll be feeling like you're being dragged through the fire during this time, but that uncomfortable feeling is there for a reason; it's time to make some real change. Have faith that you will get through it and that the Divine, in whatever form it takes for you, will help you get through this time if you are willing to let go and allow for that divine intervention to carry you.
(8 of Cups, Faith, 5 of Cups)
This year, dear Sag, you're likely to feel a bit like a fish out of water. Change is in the air for you but it's one where you have the choice to decide how to change. You'll be coming out of some long held states of stagnation and rise above and move ahead into some new territory that is likely to challenge and change your views on everything from your own self to wider world views. Reach for these changes with excitement and accept the inner changes with hope and faith for positive changes on the outside. Be careful that you don't hang on too tightly to the things that are naturally falling away from you. While it might look for a time like you are losing much, be sure to acknowledge the new things that are coming into your life. Now is not the time to cling to the past but to move ahead to bigger and better things.
(Page of Coins, Judgment, Ace of Coins)
The year ahead is going to be one of making changes in your prosperity, Capricorn, but they aren't going to be without a cost. It's time to go back and reevaluate what you've been doing so far and find how you can simplify and even re-learn some things that will be able to better suit you in the future. If you've been working hard to see some financial gain from a personal project or working to change your employment situation, you will be able to bring about the results you desire this year but only if you're willing to examine your situation and your actions (or inactions) thus far with objective and open eyes. See why you haven't realized your dreams yet, what has been holding you back? What have you done, or not done, to further yourself? Is it time to go back to basics? Once you can redefine what you're doing you'll see the real world results in this year.
(Knight of Cups, 2 of Coins, Ace of Cups)
If you've found that in the last year you were dealing with a welling of emotions, Aquarius, it's only going to continue into this year. It's going to be a time for addressing love and relationships, dealing with the ups and downs of friendship, but you have a great sense of who you what makes you strong and what makes you who you are. Throughout this year of emotional change and ups and downs you'll never lose those things, so take heart. While others might be having trouble navigating this sea of emotions, you are able to remain a pillar of emotional strength. Be prepared for possible filling the role of the "go to guy" this year, just keep a box of Kleenex handy for those around you.
(King of Cups, 4 of Wands, 5 of Coins)
Sometimes you can be a bit too within your own world, Pisces. You try hard to be aloof when those around you deal with emotions; the meaning of love and even true friendship might somewhat allude you but is it because you really don't understand or is it because you haven't been open to truly finding it and experiencing it? Rather than trying to control the emotional world around you this year, allow yourself to put a toe or two in that welling pool of emotions that swirls around you. This will be a year where you will really experience levels of love and understanding that you haven't before and you might find that it is something that, while you thought you could go without, you crave more and more. Be careful, however, not to become greedy with your desire for love and attention. Remember that if you do a cannonball dive into that pool you run the risk of pushing all the water out and being left with nothing. You need to give if you wish to receive.
(7 of Swords, Queen of Swords, Knight of Wands)
If you've been wondering if things are really what they seem, this will be the year for finding the truth, Aries. But don't forget to turn that mirror of truth and justice on yourself as well. While you may find that the real intentions of those around are revealed be sure that you have clean hands before you make judgments or take action. You will find that you'll be taking up the role of council for more than a few people, but not so much in the "shoulder to cry role" but more as the wielder of a sword of truth. You will find that you're the one able to see through the minced words and thin veil of deception that some people carry around them. Use your keen insights carefully and know that while that glinting sword of truth can reflect reality on those who are willing to see it, it can also pierce painfully. Be confident and strong and find your charismatic stride this year. If you have goals you're working toward that could lead to putting you in the spotlight, work hard, read contracts diligently, and know this could be your year to really shine.
(The Devil, 10 of Cups, The Chariot)
It's time to look at what binds you, Taurus; it's time to find your addictions, temptations, the things that overpower you and learn to face them rather than looking away. You might find that it's hard to admit that you have a weakness and rather than face it and address it, by looking away, by putting things on hold and trying to suppress it, it may not be bigger than you and almost too big to handle on your own. If you're dealing with something such as an addiction to drugs, alcohol, food, gambling, sex, whatever it may be, this is the year to bring together your resources, turn to your loved ones, and get the help that you not only need but truly deserve. This year you'll be able to get your life back on track and move forward to finding the peace and happiness that you truly desire rather than creating an cheap imitation through artificial means. You will need to make some tough choices this year about the direction of your life but with a little help from those around you and confidence in yourself victory will be yours.
(4 of Wands, Temperance, 6 of Wands)
If things have been a little rough at home, especially in a marriage or romantic relationship for you Gemini, this year things will be getting back on track. Balance has been lacking and things have possibly been a bit too "fiery" for you lately; it's possible that arguments and flared tempers have been easily ignited. Bringing in some more common ground for understanding, cleaning the air and starting over from a point of balance, will help you to find your real path again, especially with those closest to you. Have you been focused too much on yourself this past year or on work or other pursuits that have excluded a spouse or other loved one? Maybe it's time for that "second honeymoon" to bring a little levity back to the relationship. There will be work that has to be done this year to bring things back to where they should be, but you will find that this work will bring victory and rewards that you might not have thought were still possible.
(The Wheel, Queen of Cups, The Devil)
If you were hoping for an easy year this year, Cancer, it looks like you'll have to put those plans on hold! As the old saying goes, the only constant is change. If you have been working through difficult times, especially with relationships both romantic and otherwise, the wheel will be turning once again to a more favorable position. But this change isn't going to happen all on it's own, you need to turn it and drive the change. If you have been holding back from saying "I'm sorry" or giving in to someone else because you feel you're right on principle, it's time to decide how you really want to handle this relationship and situation. If you allow yourself to be rigid in your position, insisting you are right, you will find yourself right back to where you were quite quickly. Instead, turn to your inner "Dear Abby" and see if you can use your own intuition, with ego, to find the best way to handle things. This might mean having to face that fact that it was pride dictating your actions thus far and not your true feelings and emotions. You have the choice of either changing the course of things this year and allowing the journey to flow once more or you can let your ego hold you hostage.
(King of Swords, 6 of Coins, 3 of Cups)
Be careful dear Leo, your mane might be getting a little too puffed up even for you. If others around you have been giving you the feeling that you might be getting a little too big for yourself, either in there attitude toward you or straight out in words, it's time to turn things around a little. This year will be a great time for you to do a little giving back rather than holding on to things. This doesn't have to be financial, but if you have the means to give in this time of economic crisis for many, then your generosity will be seen as a shining light for those still in the dark. If money isn't what you have to offer, consider giving your time or talents to local charities who could also use it. While it might not be in your nature to really be among the people all the time and you may like to sit back and take credit for the work without having to interact, now is the time to break that cycle. You might find that the somewhat cold attitude you have toward others, especially those that you might consider somewhat "beneath you", has created an image of you to others that is largely inaccurate. Reconnect with your true self this year by reconnecting with others.
(Page of Swords, Queen of Wands, The Wheel)
Have you had enough of the childish and selfish attitudes of those around you, Virgo? Then it's time to teach those that are giving you trouble a lesson or two. Conflict can and should be a great teacher but for some it's nothing more than a game. This year make a vow with yourself to be the end of the line with these silly conflicts rather than being on who fuels the fire. If you have been dealing with legal battles in this past year and they have been delayed, it's time to work hard to get all parties involved in moving things forward and finding closure before the year is out. Go into this new year with passion and vigor; don't do anything halfway this year! Change is going to be coming though in all aspects of your life this year, especially if you light your inner passions and keep them going all year long. This will be the year for you to really see things to completion that you have been lingering around and holding on to for some time. You are the driving force of all change and possibilities in your life this year!
(The Moon, 6 of Coins, Judgment)
Allow yourself to be guided by your inner voice, Libra! Any doubts that you have had about your own guidance and the messages that you receive from within should be released right away so that you can move ahead into this new year open and ready to receive. This will be a year of seeing things for what they truly are and an awaking, specifically in a psychic and spiritual sense, is going to be coming for you. A willingness to give as well as receive will make this all more enjoyable and less frightening. You will likely find yourself opening up to new ideas about Deity and Divine power this year as it beings to express itself in very different ways in your life. Divine intervention will take on a whole new meaning as you begin to find that the power of giving in to the power of the Universe and working with them rather than resisting can bring you to a whole new level of being. And if you find yourself feeling like someone is following you this year, it's possible that a new Spirit Guide is looking to be part of this journey with you!
Have a Happy and Blessed New Year everyone!