5 Things Every Spirit Babe Needs On Hand
After 20+ years of spiritual and magical practice I have amassed a ridiculous amount of gear. I’ll be honest and say that almost all of it, if not flat out all of it, is unnecessary. But who are we kidding! What Spirit Babe doesn’t love walking into a metaphysical store, taking in the heady scent of incense wafting in the air, sitting on the floor flipping through books or trying out sample oracle decks and rolling some crystals around in her hands?While we don’t need our spiritual gear we still love it and we want to use it when we can. Here are 5 things that I can't live without and that I think every Spirit Babe needs to have on hand and at the ready.

Black TourmalineBlack Tourmaline is the negativity buster of crystals. Having at least one good sized piece, at least the side of your palm, is always good thinking. If you have a room in your home that has a lot of electronics placing a piece in each corner of the room is a great way to cut down the electromagnetic pollution that happens. When you use a stone like this for either clearing negative energy, balancing negativity or dealing with EMF it's a good idea to retune it regularly.[wc_spacing size="40px"]White Taper CandlesWhite candles, babe, that's all you need! It's really easy to end up with baskets of candles in every color in the rainbow {and I'm speaking from personal experience, trust me}. White is one of those colors that can be used for anything. Need a green candle to work on some money manifesting? Hold your white candles between your hands, close your eyes and breathe deeply. Visualize a green ball of light forming above your head. When it's big and glowing "pull" it down in through the top of your head, down your shoulders and arms and out through your candles and into the candle. In your mind's eye see the candle color shift from white to green. When you "see" the candle is green, KAPOW! You now have an energetically charged green candle to work with.[wc_spacing size="40px"]Mala BeadsMala beads are awesome for three reasons. First, the are a great reminder of your spiritual practice. Second, they are an on the spot meditation tool that you can use anytime anywhere. Feeling stressed out during take off while heading off on your dream vacation? Say a mantra while using your mala beads. {This is what I do. If it weren't for my mala beads I'd never make it through a flight!} And lastly, there are some damn cute mala bead necklaces out there in all different colors, styles and stones that look great with whatever you're wearing. {Tiny Devotions, I'm looking at you! I've invested a small fortune in their beads over the last few years.}[wc_spacing size="40px"]White Sage Smudge SpraySage is a requirement. You have to have it to help clear your space of negative energy, lift the vibration of the area and help you to feel more calm and spiritually elevated. As great as burning a wand of bundled sage is, it's not always practical. If you live with someone with allergies or who's sensitive to smoke like I do {my husband freaks if I burn anything when he's home} the smokeless smudge, aka the smudge spray, is a necessity. You use it just like you would use a burning smudge wand, but you spray it. Spray your room, spray your tools, spray yourself. You'll still get the smell of sage but it won't be as strong as when you burn it.[wc_spacing size="40px"]Mini Tarot CardsI have a rule. Tarot cards on hand 24/7. That doesn't mean I'm constantly using them but they are there any time I need them. Sometimes you can't fit a full sized deck in your cute clutch or your small Chanel classic flap bag, but that doesn't mean you have to give up having your cards with your. Mini decks are available in a bunch of different styles. A mini Rider Waite is kind of a required staple. I also have the mini versions of the Celtic Druid Tarot and the Secret Tarot. Some decks don't really translate well in mini-version {anything super detailed} but a basic Rider Waite mini is perfect.Or you can get a deck on your smartphone and make sure your phone fits in your bag...then BANG! Good to go. What are your must have spiritual tools?Tell me in the comments! I'd love to know what you're using in your practice. :heart:[wc_spacing size="40px"]