Why I'm Blog-Hearted {and you should be too}
I'm super excited! On June 1st the next round of Bright-Eyed & Blog-Hearted, creating and presented by Rachel MacDonald from InSpacesBetween.com begins. It's like Christmas to me!Let me back up a bit because I'm getting ahead of myself.In 2013 I did worked with Tara Bliss for a little personal coaching while I was going through a bit of an "oh shit" point in my life. I was starting to feel that freak out that comes when I start begging my husband to move back to the east coast, but I knew that wasn't an option so I needed help dealing with this stress. While working with Tara I started working with the Spirit book and planner that she and Rachel put out that year.That's when I started paying attention to what Rachel was doing. I was enjoying her posts on her blog and Facebook and started to see posts about a blogging course that she was creating. Two things popped in my mind...That's exciting! And then...Another course is the last thing I need.Even though I knew I probably didn't need it, the more I heard about it the more I wanted it. And want mama wants, mama gets!So when Bright-Eyed & Blog-Hearted launched for the first time in February of 2014 I invested and took the leap into another blogging course.I'm not going to lie, I was nervous. I was mainly worried that I was going to be wasting my money on another program that just presented the same material I'd learned in B-School and in Derek Halpern's blogging course as well as the books and blogs I was reading. The last thing I wanted was to feel like paid for another program that I only got a wee-bit out of.Now it's a bit over a year later and I can tell you something without hesitation.
Bright-Eyed & Blog-Hearted is the best investment I have made in my blog, hands down.
The course has run twice, the third round begins on June 1st, and this will be my third time going through the program. In-between the rounds of the live course I've gone back to the material over and over again because this is the most practical, actionable and doable of all the blogging courses I've done.Even before you get started with the actual course there is a pre-work section that brings so much clarity so that you when you do dive into the weekly modules you know exactly without a doubt who you're writing for, what you want your blog to look and feel like and what your big message is so that you aren't trying to figure any of that key stuff as you go. You know exactly how to apply what you learn in the modules to your blog.
This isn't another 'monetize your blog' course!
Anyone can monetize a blog. It isn't hard and you can learn how to do that by doing a Google search. This is about creating heart-centered connections with your tribe through your blog and your social media presence. If you're going to offer products or services this program helps you create a brand that is totally infused with your own voice.Make no mistake, when people invest in what you offer they are investing in you just as much as they are investing in themselves. If they don't have a connection to you, they aren't going to invest their hard earned cash in your work.Your blog is the cornerstone of creating that connection...it's why everyone will tell you that if you have an online business you need to have one! That's how people get to know you. Let them really get to know YOU by infusing your voice and values into everyone you do, say and write.Bright-Eyed & Blog-Hearted will show you how to do this in a way that is truly authentic, feels amazing and gives you the confidence to take your blog and business to the next level, whatever that looks like for you.I'm wicked psyched for the next round. Since making some recent big changes with my blog and my biz vision I'm looking forward to work through the course for a third time with the amazing BE&BH online community {which is truly worth the price of admission on its own}.Recently while doing a little survey for my blog and biz many of you asked for more Soul Biz posts and some asked specifically for help with your blogs. I'm telling you with the most excitement and enthusiasm I can, Bright-Eyed & Blog-Hearted is what you're looking for! I know it because it was what I was looking for and it's served me well time and time again. Come join me and be part of this amazing program and get Blog-Hearted! Registration ends on May 26th {here in the states...on the 27th for your Aussie babes}. Rachel won't be running the course again until 2016! [wc_spacing size="40px"]