Taurus Full Moon Magic!
Can you believe it's the November full moon already?! These seem to just keep sneaking up on me. It's like you'd think they happened regularly...like every 28 days or so! :laughing:This month's full moon comes in on November 6th in the sign of Taurus. {Here in 2016 the November Taurus Full Moon will happen on Nov. 14th.} Taurus is a wonderful fixed earth sign. Taurus still has some of the fire of it's neighbor Aries but it's less impulsive. Taurus energy likes to give things a little time to come together first before diving it, and it also likes to enjoy itself! Taurus is an energy that asks us to really explore how things look, taste, feel and smell to us. It's all about connecting to the earth and our earthly senses.This is a great full moon energy to go absorb outside. This time of year we start to spend less time outside and we start watching the full moon rise and hang above us through the window rather than out in nature.Yes, I get it. It might be cold and even a little snowy where you are. I grew up in New England, don't let the current SoCal girl facade fool you! I know that November can be a chilly time of year. Actually, much to my surprise it's been down in the 40s here at night {I'm not used to living in the desert part of SoCal and usually live at the coast where it doesn't get that cold}. Even though it may be cold, go outside under the moon!I'll just say this: I know we have no problem connecting to spring, summer and the early part of fall. We love those energies because they are warm. Either it's warming up, hot as hell or cooling down but still warm. Now it's just cooling and it's less pleasant. But that winter energy is amazing so go out and feel what's it's like where you live as the seasons start to turn.
November Taurus Full Moon Magic
Taurus energies, along with celebrating nature and the senses, include love, loyalty, worth/worthiness, practicality and creativity. This month I wanted to bring in some magic around these things for ourselves. Some self-love, self-loyalty, self-worth magic that's practical and creative.The big reason why is that we are moving into winter which is a time for going inward and being with ourselves. Even though it's the holiday seasons and we'll be busy with that you'll notice that when you're not busy running around shopping or visiting that you have a bit of a natural tendency to go inward.Our soul's are designed this way so don't fight it! I though that if we could start out this season with loving ourselves and seeing ourselves as worthy we might be more inclined to work with this energy during the winter.
For this magic you'll need a few things:
[su_list icon="icon: moon-o" icon_color="#ea668d"]
- 2 small pink candles with holders {votive of chime candles}
- 1 white 7 day vigil candle {the kind in the glass}
- Rose or Bergamot oil
- Clippings from magazines, pictures, printed images or hand drawn images of things that remind you that you are loved, you are worthy and you are deserving
- Tape or glue
- Red or dark pink marker
- Glitter in your color choice {optional}
- Lighter
- Candle snuffer
- Incense if you wish to have it in any scent that you enjoy
[/su_list]The first thing we're going to do is create our devotion candle. Take your images you've brought with you and tape or glue them all around your white vigil candle.In the center of your candle draw a heart and put your name in the center. Arrange them anyway you wish leaving the heart fully visible. Have your marker nearby so you can add handwritten words or symbols along the way if you feel called.One you're done use a little of your oil to dress the top of the candle. Sprinkle in some glitter and tap the candle around so it covers the top of the wax. If you're wondering what's with the glitter, other than the fact that it's pretty under the candle light, it acts like a bunch of tiny mirrors and reflects your magic out in all directs to the Universe.Now place your candle in the center of your altar or work space. Anoint your two pink candles with your oil and place one on each side of your white candle.Light your incense if you're using it.Take a few minutes to ground yourself by breathing deeply, exhaling completely and feeling yourself grow roots from your bottom down into the floor and through to the earth. Feel yourself getting stronger and more centered and focused with each breath. When you feel grounded, light your white candle and say {and really feel}
I am a light in the world.I am love.I give my love and gifts of the heart freelybut I also give them to myself.I shine my light in the worldas well as shining it to light my way.
Take time to sit and watch the candle flame and reflect on how you shine your light and love in the world. Bring yourself into a meditative state for a moment and pose these questions to God, Goddess, Source, your ancestors, guides and angels.[su_list icon="icon: moon-o" icon_color="#ea668d"]
- How can I follow my inner light more?
- How am I giving away my power?
- How can I love myself more?
- What do I need to give to my soul to help it shine?
[/su_list]Now light your pink candle on the left and say:
I am worthy of love and respect from all those around me.I am worthy of love and respect from myself.
Now light your pink candle on the right and say:
I am worthy of trust and loyalty from all those around me.I am worthy of trust and loyalty from myself.
Sit with your altar for a while and meditate on these things. You may also want to do divination to get more insight into the questions that you have asked your Higher Self and the Divine.Now raise some energy. Chant, drum or rattle, even dance. As you you do this really be in your body and aware of your senses. What do you see and feel? Do this all in the name of love - so love your body! Love your experience. When you're at a fever pitch energetically, raise your arms, throwing them ecstatically above your head and send that energy into the Universe and say, or more really shout:
I am love!I love myself!I am worthy!I give to myself!I am loyal!I am loyal to my authentic self!
Let your pink candles burn down. Snuff out your white candle when they're done. Relight the candle with a little prayer and intention of love for yourself every day, burning it for as long as you'd like.When the candle burns out save the pretty glass you've made! You can add smaller candles to it and reuse it or you can carefully clean the insides and use it as a vase. Buy yourself flowers regularly and use this as their vase.[wc_spacing size="40px"]