The Universe Doesn't Care

This is news that you might not want to hear, but the Universe really doesn’t care about you.You might be saying to yourself “This chick has finally lost it,” but hear me out on this and keep an open mind.In the last 10 years or so, really since The Secret hit it big {at least from my view} the idea of “The Universe” as an entity that watches over us, cares for us and provides what we desire has become extremely popular.  It’s not a new concept, I’m sure.  Honestly the fact that I spent many, many years in spiritual traditions that never looked at the Universe in this way is probably why it only became more apparent to me in the last handful of years or so.In the spiritual and magical traditions that I have practiced for almost 30 years the idea of “The Universe” isn’t all that common.  The Universe personified or humanized or seen as God or Goddess just wasn’t a thing.  I totally got why people like the idea of using the term “Universe” in place of God or Goddess, but that doesn’t make the Universe God.It’s a strange notion in a lot of ways, especially when you’re trying in any way to use science to back your thoughts, believes and practices with attraction or energy work. In a lot of ways I feel like it sends mixed messages about how we understand the Universal Laws when we confuse the Universe and the Divine. 

The way that I see it is that the Universe is the ship and God {or whatever you want to call the Divine} is the captain.  The Universe itself is simply the vehicle for things to happen in or through but God is the energy or source of making those things happen.


You can also look at it like this:

When I’m riding in a car with my best friend behind the wheel, does the car care that I’m safe or does my friend care about my safety on the journey? Does the car care that I get where we’re going or does my friend care enough to be active in making things go smoothly?The Universe isn’t our friend, it’s simply the car we’re riding in.[wc_spacing size="20px"]What does that mean then in terms of all this spiritual and magical work that we do that has us working with or even calling on “The Universe”?  Does that mean this stuff is all a waste of time?  No, not at all.  It’s just that we need to be a little more aware of what we’re talking about, who we’re talking to and what we’re working with.[wc_spacing size="20px"]As for the Universe, it just is.  It’s a swirl of energy that we can use, it’s a vehicle that we’re traveling within, but it isn’t going to necessarily care that you’re having a shitty day and therefore make sure someone brings you flowers to cheer you up. The Universe is simply reflecting back the energies and vibrations of those traveling around within it.  If we need help in steering things, we ask our driver - God/Goddess/Source.Some people like to say that when you want something “Ask the Universe! It will provide.” Well, maybe.  “The Universe” will give you what you’re willing to give yourself. Like will attract like. We’ve all heard the stories and anecdotes about how if you get up in the morning and stub your toe getting out of bed how you react to that will dictate how your whole day will go. That’s “The Universe” in action - it’s simply reflecting back the energy you’re putting out.If you say “Universe, I’m so lonely and I really want to meet a new guy, please send me one,” you have to look at how you’re vibrating energetically with that request.  The Universe isn’t going to “answer your prayers” because that’s not the job of the Universe.  However if you’re going out in the world and trying to meet people and living with enthusiasm around finding new love, you’ll likely find new love comes.  On the flip side if you spend all your time at home, feeling lonely and sorry for yourself you can bet you’ll just see that continue.  The Universe isn’t going to drop a hot guy in your lap out of nowhere.[wc_spacing size="20px"]We need to accept that “The Universe” isn’t God and the Universe itself doesn’t care about you.  It has plenty of other things to do.  Instead its job is to simply react to the energy you send it while traveling around its space. The one good thing about being clear on this is it forces you to take more responsibly for your actions and your energy, makes you show up better in your day to day life and reinforces the simple truth that your destiny is your own.As for the role God plays?  That’s another discussion for another day.[wc_spacing size="40px"]


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