The #1 Reason Your Vision Boards Fail!
This time of year I get a lot of new coaching clients come to me asking specifically about how they can create their most amazing year possible. What tips and tricks do they need to know and what can they do to set their intentions and actually manifest their big dreams? One of the specific practices that I get asked about the most is making a vision board. Most people that come to me are already familiar with this practice and many have even tried creating and using one before. Even though many people have given this a try they often complain that they never saw it do them any good. Well, there's a reason why you might have this problem and it all stems from how you're making your board and your overall approach to it.When we create a vision board we're putting together something that will display or contain images, words, and impressions of things that we want to draw into our lives. This can be literally a board, like things pasted to poster board or pinned to a cork board, or it can be things taped or pasted into a blank journal, gathered in a decorative box, or put together in a frame under glass. The idea is that we gather together the things we desire and keep them in our line of sight and in our physical space so that like will attract like.We all know the phrases and sayings about how to draw into our lives the things that we really desire. We hear things like "where attention goes, energy flows" or we are reminded of the Buddha's words, "What we think we become". This is all very true but we are often missing something very, very important with all of this.The big reason your vision boards fail, or why any of your Law of Attraction type work fails is this...
We are focused more on THINGS and not the FEELINGS.
It sounds so simple and almost kind of stupid when you realize it, but it's true!Imagine you're creating a vision board for the new year and one of your goals is to get a new car. You pick out the kind of car you'd like, you get pictures of it in all different kinds of colors and settings, and you paste it to your board and place them around your home and office. But why do you really want this particular car? It's because of something connected to how this car will make you feel. Maybe it's a car that gives the impression of wealth or status so it makes you feel rich. Maybe it's a sporty car that makes you feel adventurous. Or maybe you don't care exactly what kind of car you get this year, you just know that this year is the year you're going to stop taking public transportation or relying on friends for rides so you're going to get your own car. Then isn't the feeling of freedom or independence that really matters and drives your desire for a car?When we visualize ourselves in this new car the thing that we need to really focus on to attract what we really desire into our lives is the way having that thing would make us feel. That feeling is what we truly desire. The thing is just the channel through which we attain our true goal.
This is a vision board that I made during the summer of 2012 which I createdwith the focus of feeling rather than on material things. It's still working itsattraction magick so it's on my wall again now in 2013.
A vision board that I did in March of 2013 specifically with my biz in mind.
And an unconventional take on vision boards specifically for business from Jen and Artizen Coaching.
If you're like a lot of people out there and you are planning to make a vision board for the new year focus on how you want to feel this year rather than what you want to attain or achieve. You might think that a new job would make you feel happier and more fulfilled but once you get that new job and you realize that you have to work more hours you start to feel unhappy in other ways. You might have an idea of the kind of new relationship you'd like to attract but once you get what you thought was "the perfect mate" and you realize they are super high maintenance you feel neglected and frustrated.Focusing on the feeling you want to attract and the way of being that you want to surround you will allow the Universe to really work its magic and draw that true desire to you in whatever way it can. Rather than being confined to your human limitations {which sadly are often materialistic in nature and extremely limiting} you can really let the power of attraction work in your life without too many barriers.
Tips For Creating Your 2013 Vision Boards
1. First work out what kind of energy, feelings, or emotions you want to bring into your life this year. How do you want to feel in 2013?2. Before creating your board pick a color that will be vibrationally connected to the larger theme of how you want to feel this year. You might pick green for feeling a sense of growth, blue for a sense of peace, or red for a sense of vibrance. Again, be careful with things like green for money. Yes, it's nice to want to have more money, but focus on how you would feel if you had more money {i.e. independence, freedom, security, etc}.3. When you create your board incorporate your color as much as possible. Use it for painting a background to work on or only words/text and images that feature that color predominantly.4. Try and use more words than pictures on your board. The big reason for this is that pictures for everything you want will only keep your mind focused on things again. Words are more abstract visually and will connect you with feelings first. The images that you do use should be ones you pick because they evoke emotion first and foremost.5. Once your board is made keep it where you will see it often. Placing it in your office, bedroom, or meditation space is ideal. Be sure to take a few minutes each day to sit and feel the emotions of your board. As you feel these things, even if you have to "fake it till you make it", you'll be sending out the vibration to the Universe of what you want more of in your life. That's how your vision board will manifest your desires this year! [box style="light" title="Need Help Getting Clear On Your Goals?" color="#37bbc4" header_color="#37bbc4" header_bordercolor="#37bbc4" rounded="true"]Let's work together through my Spirit Centered Life Coaching! Together we can break down your desires, find what kinks need to be worked out, and get you on a path to finding ways to manifest your goals, live your dreams, and find a sense of healing and happiness for the new year!Come on over and take a look at the different Spirit Centered Life Coaching options available and pick something that will suit your needs. Have questions? No problem! Send your questions about coaching or what kind of session might be best for you to [/box]