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It’s The New Moon in Cancer!

Today is July 18th and tonight into tomorrow morning, depending on where in the world you happen to be, it’s time to welcome the new moon in the sign of Cancer.  The new moon is a time for new beginnings.  It’s a time to revitalize things that we have been working on but also a time to go inward and find what we need in order to create loving and nurturing environments for the future.  With this new moon being in Cancer we find that the big themes these all tend to be wrapped up in having to do with family, and most specifically, mothers.

Cancer is a water sign that is ruled by the moon, so when we see the moon enter Cancer it tends to have a little bit of an added punch. Cancer is often connected to mothers and children, affairs of the heart, especially at home, and looking for ways to connect more deeply with those we are close to.

And while not everyone might be interested in spending this time looking for ways to reconnect with their mother in the traditional sense, use this as a time to also examine your connection to the Divine Mother, the Divine Feminine, and seek ways to make your relationships with the Divine Family stronger.

During the Cancer new moon, you may find that you’re feeling your emotions running particularly high with family.  If you are especially empathic you may find that these emotions are less yourself and more those of the people around you.  Be sure to give yourself time to separate from those situations and be still.  Make sure that your emotions are truly your own.

Times for the New Moon in Cancer
July 18, 2012 – 9:24pm (Pacific Time)
July 19, 2012 – 12:24am (Eastern Time)

Recipes for New Moon Magick

Moon Magick Oil
1 tsp Lavender
1 tsp Sandalwood
1/4 tsp Jasmine
blend in a base oil of either sweet almond or jojoba (about 3 tbsp)

Cancer Oil
2 tsp Sandalwood
1 tsp Jasmine
1 tsp Rose
a few drops of lemon
blend in a base oil of jojoba (about 3 tbsp)

Once you have these two different oils made you can blend a few drops of each to create an oil especially for working with the Cancer Moon.  You can add a few drops of patchouli or mugwort to specifically work with the energies of the new moon.

Cancer Moon Magick Incense
equal parts of:
Frankincense (crushed)
Myrrh (crushed)
Sandalwood powder
Jasmine flowers

a few drops each of:
Patchouli oil
Rose oil
Lemon oil

Mix together the dry ingredients first.  Add the oils a few drops at a time and stir together well.  Let the incense dry completely before burning.  Burn on incense coals.

Looking to work some magick tonight?  Here are some themes appropriate to this moon.

⭐ Cleansing for your home and living space
⭐ Spells for peace in the home
⭐ Strengthening your resolve to something
⭐ Honoring childhood memories
⭐ Making offerings and remembrances for mother figures who have crossed over
⭐ Working to strengthen your connection to your Divine Mother
⭐ Magick to secure your home and finances
⭐Spells and prayers for finding a new home if you’re looking to move


Looking for something else for tonight?  Grab this FREE 20 page ebook with a new moon meditation for Cancer that will have you meet a Guide who will come to help you with healing a family issue from the past {that can be family of origin, family of spirit, or family of choice}.  You’ll also have a list of themes and energies associated with this moon, the above recipes, journal prompts, self-care questions and the like.  Come grab it!

And if you want to make sure that you stay on top of ALL the moons and dates of magick coming up for the rest of the year don’t forget to get the 2012 Magickal Datebook at the half year discount which will only be available for a little while longer before I start clearing the air for 2013!

Client Love

I was so overwhelmed trying to get back into my witchcraft practice, but Jess helped me create an actual plan and a schedule for doing the work. The results in just two months has been far beyond my expectations. I'm in touch with my power like never before!


Jess Carlson


I was so overwhelmed trying to get back into my witchcraft practice, but Jess helped me create an actual plan and a schedule for doing the work. The results in just two months has been far beyond my expectations. I'm in touch with my power like never before!
Jess is a great teacher, as well as an insightful reading and a wonderful healer. Her lessons are informative and easy to understand. Her cards speak to her in a way that I hope mine will to me one day. I have also had a Chakra session and a Reiki session with her and afterward I felt at peace, balanced, and whole again (I was quite sick at the time). I trust very few people, and I follow my path alone, but I trust Jess. She’s a beautiful spirit.


Jess Carlson


Jess is a great teacher, as well as an insightful reading and a wonderful healer. Her lessons are informative and easy to understand. Her cards speak to her in a way that I hope mine will to me one day. I have also had a Chakra session and a Reiki session with her and afterward I felt at peace, balanced, and whole again (I was quite sick at the time). I trust very few people, and I follow my path alone, but I trust Jess. She’s a beautiful spirit.
When I started coaching with Jess I thought I was coming to her for help with a breakup and an unexpected and sudden international move. It turned out that wasn't the real issue at all! Jess asked questions I never would have thought to ask myself and gave me a whole new perspective on what was going on in my life. She made me feel like what I want matters. By the time we were done I felt like I could take on the world!


Jess Carlson


When I started coaching with Jess I thought I was coming to her for help with a breakup and an unexpected and sudden international move. It turned out that wasn't the real issue at all! Jess asked questions I never would have thought to ask myself and gave me a whole new perspective on what was going on in my life. She made me feel like what I want matters. By the time we were done I felt like I could take on the world!
Incredible, intuitive, thoughtful, and professional reader! Will definitely book with Jess again.


Jess Carlson


Incredible, intuitive, thoughtful, and professional reader! Will definitely book with Jess again.
OMG I'm blown away by the accuracy of the reading. Jess has a special gift. What she revealed to me, opened me up to a place I knew I should be at but was holding myself back from.


Jess Carlson


OMG I'm blown away by the accuracy of the reading. Jess has a special gift. What she revealed to me, opened me up to a place I knew I should be at but was holding myself back from.
Jess Carlson