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Want to help end Extreme Paranormal?

It’s been a few weeks now since Extreme Paranormal annoyed us with it’s presences, but it fear not, it’ll be back to bother us again. However it was great to see that Javier Ortega over at is trying to help rally other paranormal fans and investigators together to write to A&E expressing dislike for the show. If you missed my two posts about my take on the show, you can see my post on episode one here and episode two here. If you feel the same way I do and you think this crosses the line in more ways than one, check out the article over at and use the link for the petition that has been posted or create your own personal letter and let A&E know that as a fan of the paranormal you will not support this show.


  1. steve says

    dear paranormal dude
    why is it that all of you are mad about the show is it because its fake?arnt all tv shows fake? all because these guys went out to make a buck and made ghost hunting kinda fun and sooky you guys in your field have to tear it down id rather watch fake ghost hunting anf see something then watch real ghost hunting and not see a thing .i think all of the ghost hunters are just pissed cause these guys sold out for the buck rather than keep it real kinda like the beging of punk , rap,rock and roll , or any other undergound activity that considers the groups who make the music for the ppl must be evil .im sure alot of ppl will disagree but that s waht it sounds like to me stop trying to ban the show and take it for what its worth entertainment

    • Rowan Pendragon says

      If the show were being passed off as a fictional show, that would be a whole different issue. The fact is, it’s not and these guys have been touting themselves as professional paranormal investigators for some time (this show isn’t the only thing they do). There are huge problems with aspects of the paranormal field being portrayed this way. These shows are what people who are interested in the paranormal watch and them emulate out of their interest to do the same thing. I personally don’t care that they want to make money by doing a TV show (though I can tell you it’s not likely they’re getting much from it) and many teams that don’t have TV shows charge for their services and that’s fine. Lots of time and money goes into investigation work. The real issue is that they are not professional in any way, they are showing dangerous methods that most serious investigators know to avoid, and they are messing with things that they clearly shouldn’t be. Whether they mean it to be fake or not (which they don’t, this is seriously what these three do and what they believe is right) they are still toying with things that are best left alone or left to someone that knows what they are doing.

      That’s fine that you like the show and want to watch it, everyone has their opinion and preference and they are entitled to it.

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Jess is a great teacher, as well as an insightful reading and a wonderful healer. Her lessons are informative and easy to understand. Her cards speak to her in a way that I hope mine will to me one day. I have also had a Chakra session and a Reiki session with her and afterward I felt at peace, balanced, and whole again (I was quite sick at the time). I trust very few people, and I follow my path alone, but I trust Jess. She’s a beautiful spirit.


Jess Carlson


Jess is a great teacher, as well as an insightful reading and a wonderful healer. Her lessons are informative and easy to understand. Her cards speak to her in a way that I hope mine will to me one day. I have also had a Chakra session and a Reiki session with her and afterward I felt at peace, balanced, and whole again (I was quite sick at the time). I trust very few people, and I follow my path alone, but I trust Jess. She’s a beautiful spirit.
When I started coaching with Jess I thought I was coming to her for help with a breakup and an unexpected and sudden international move. It turned out that wasn't the real issue at all! Jess asked questions I never would have thought to ask myself and gave me a whole new perspective on what was going on in my life. She made me feel like what I want matters. By the time we were done I felt like I could take on the world!


Jess Carlson


When I started coaching with Jess I thought I was coming to her for help with a breakup and an unexpected and sudden international move. It turned out that wasn't the real issue at all! Jess asked questions I never would have thought to ask myself and gave me a whole new perspective on what was going on in my life. She made me feel like what I want matters. By the time we were done I felt like I could take on the world!
Incredible, intuitive, thoughtful, and professional reader! Will definitely book with Jess again.


Jess Carlson


Incredible, intuitive, thoughtful, and professional reader! Will definitely book with Jess again.
OMG I'm blown away by the accuracy of the reading. Jess has a special gift. What she revealed to me, opened me up to a place I knew I should be at but was holding myself back from.


Jess Carlson


OMG I'm blown away by the accuracy of the reading. Jess has a special gift. What she revealed to me, opened me up to a place I knew I should be at but was holding myself back from.
I was so overwhelmed trying to get back into my witchcraft practice, but Jess helped me create an actual plan and a schedule for doing the work. The results in just two months has been far beyond my expectations. I'm in touch with my power like never before!


Jess Carlson


I was so overwhelmed trying to get back into my witchcraft practice, but Jess helped me create an actual plan and a schedule for doing the work. The results in just two months has been far beyond my expectations. I'm in touch with my power like never before!
Jess Carlson